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About cookies

The Swedish Accident Investigation Authority website uses so called cookies (small text-based files that are placed on the computer), in order for the website to function as well as possible for you as a visitor.

Here you will find information about which cookies are used on shk.se. You can easily turn off the use of cookies in your browser.

This is how we use cookies

According to the Electronic Communications Act, you as a visitor must be informed that the website uses cookies and what they are used for.

There is two types of cookies:

  1. A permanent cookie is stored on your computer for a longer period of time. You can always clear all cookies on your computer whenever you want to.
  2. A session cookie is stored on your computer only as long as you visit the web site, they are deleted when you close your web browser.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies ensure that our services are secure and work as they should. Therefore, they cannot be disabled. This website uses the publishing tool Sitevision and the necessary cookies for this tool can be seen in the table below.

Necessary cookies at shk.se



What this one does

Session cookie


Used to connect the user to a session. The session is then used by Sitevision for a variety of things related to the user

Session cookies


These cookies help manage load balancing in underlying servers

Cookie notification


Set when the user accepts cookies, used to keep track of the user's acceptance of cookies. Saved for 1 year.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are set if you as a visitor make some kind of choice and a cookie is needed for the website to function correctly according to your wishes.

Functional cookies at shk.se



What this one does

Cookie notification


Set when the user has accepted cookies, used to keep track of the user's acceptance of cookies. Saved for 1 year.

Session cookie


If you as a visitor wants to save favourites, this permanent cookie is used.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies provide us with information about how our website is used. This allows us to maintain, operate and improve the user experience.

Analytical cookies at shk.se



What this one does

Session cookie


Used by Sitevision's web analytics tool (Piwik Pro) if you have checked that you allow cookies. No actual cookie set by the browser but a service that allows cookies from Piwik Pro to be set

When accepting sv-web-analytics, Piwik Pro sets the following cookies:

  • _pk_id.*: Sets a unique randomly generated user ID. Stored for 13 months.
  • _pk_ses.*: Short-term saves data about the visit to the website. Saved for 30 minutes.
  • Customer-sitevision-cookie: Used by Sitevision web analytics to measure functionality. Only saved during current session.

All our data that is collected and stored on Swedish servers and is anonymized so that individual individuals cannot be identified.